Home > Miscellaneous
This page consists of things that don't have a place elsewhere or that I have not yet got around to incorporating into the more appropriate place.
27 November 2005:
Recently some of my students were amused to see one of their classmates dressed in a very similar fashion to me. One of them even went back to the dorm to get a camera and later e-mailed me these pictures. Picture 1 | Picture 2

24 September 2001:
Went to a gathering of current and former Sitka folks in Gig Harbor, WA over the weekend. Here is a group photo.

23 July 2000:
I actually took this picture of a rose back in May. It is one of the roses that was blooming along my parents' driveway. I cropped it to what you can see and removed the background at the right edge.

9 July 2000:
I was playing around with my camera and took a picture of my eyes. I'll warn you now that they are a little bit disembodied, but that's them.

18 May 2000:
Was looking through an old notebook and I found something I wrote a while back on the passing of a cat which I thought I would put up for whomever cared to read.

17 May 2000:
Was cleaning out my wallet and I found a fortune cookie fortune that someone had given me a while back (and I had found amusing). It said, "When someone says, 'Life is hard' Ask them, 'compared to what?'"

21 April 2000:
I had to write a little paper talking about consulting for a seminar class I am just finishing up. I decided to put it up here. It's not a marvel or anything, just something I whipped up in the hour before class.

I started playing with one of the pictures I took last summer. I decided to put up two different versions of it for a while.
Version 1
Version 2

Sam Dapcevich sent me this picture of Sealing Cove at sunset

I scanned the following in at some point to show someone, but I never had them linked before.
   Asleep on bed I
   Asleep on bed II
   Asleep on Couch I
   Asleep on Couch II

Photoshop fun:
   Footsteps into cave
   Brother added
   Eagle added

Picture of eagle on rock

Rest In Peace

Ed, you cajun

The sled ride

Oddville Poetry

My drawing skills demonstrated