Course Number Math 232
Credits: 4
Term: Spring 2007
Room: Yaw 3
Course: Calculus II
Instructor: Matt Goff
Time: MWF 9-9:50am


Math 138 or satisfactory score on placement exam


Limits, basic differential and integral calculus with an emphasis on life science applications.


Students will be able to:
  1. Understand and work with the concept of limits
  2. Give a geometrical description of a derivative
  3. Understand how limits relate to derivatives
  4. Compute derivatives of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions
  5. Use the power, product, quotient, and chain rules to compute derivatives
  6. Understand how derivatives are related to the extrema and concavity of functions
  7. Use differential calculus as a tool for solving real world problems
  8. Give a geometrical description of integration
  9. Understand how limits relate to integration
  10. Understand the relationship between differentiation and integration
  11. Compute definite integrals using the fundamental theorem of calculus
  12. Use integral calculus as a tool for solving real world problems
  13. Use calculators and/or a computer algebra system as tools for solving problems in integral and differential calculus.

Course Requirements:

  1. Completion of assigned coursework
  2. Regular attendance and active participation in class
  3. Satisfactory performance on all exams
  4. Final project consisting of a poster and oral presentation to the class on a topic related to Calculus

Teaching Strategies:

  1. Lectures, student presentations, computer work, and class discussion may be used.
  2. Homework will be assigned to encourage greater understanding of subjects covered in class
  3. Other homework and/or projects may be assigned to give students the opportunity to explore the application of math to practical problem solving
  4. Exams will be given to assess each student's understanding of the material.

Evaluation and Criteria for Grading:

The final grade will be composed of the following components:
Mid-term Exams30%
Final Project15%
Final Exam15%

Course Homepage:

Final Exam:

Final Exam is on , . You are expected to take the test at that time, please make travel arrangements accordingly.


Some material may be collected and used for purposes of assessment. The information collected will be kept confidential.
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