11.2 The probability that a single child is albino is 1/4. The probability that two children are albino is (1/4)(1/4)=1/16. The probability that neither is albino is (3/4)(3/4)= 9/16.
a) The probability that none of the five calls reaches a person is (1-.2)5 = .32768
b) (1-.08)5= .659
a) The wheels are independent, so the probability of winning the jackpot is the product of the probability seeing a bell on each wheel (1/20)(9/20)(1/20).
b) The probability of seeing two bells on the outer wheels with something else on the middle wheel is (1/20)(11/20)(1/20). The probability of seeing a bell on the middle wheel and either of the two outer wheels (but not both of them) is (19/20)(9/20)(1/20). So, the probability of seeing two bells is (1/20)(11/20)(1/20)+(19/20)(9/20)(1/20)+(19/20)(9/20)(1/20) = 353/8000.
b) 30% of college students like country music but not gospel.
c) 40% of college students like neither country music nor gospel.
a) The probability of choosing a woman from the population of degree recipients is 922/1654.
b) The conditional probability of choosing a woman given that the person chosen received a professional degree is 32/72.
11.12 4% of all adults go to a health club at least twice a week. P(Belong to health club and Go to club at least twice a week)= P(Belong to club)* P(Go at least twice a week | Belong to club) = .1 * .4 = .04.
a) The probability that the first card is a spade is 13/52. The probability that the second card is a spade given that the first card is a spade is 12/51. The conditional probabilities for the third, fourth, and fifth cards being spades given that all previous cards were spades are 11/50, 10/49, and 9/48 respectively.
b) The general probability rule implies that the probability of getting five spades in five cards is the product of the conditional probabilities from part a). The probability is .000495.
c)The probability of being dealt a flush is 4*.000495=.002.
b) P(positive test)= (.01)(.9985)+(.99)(.006) = .015925
11.18 P(have antibody | positive test) = (.01)(.9985)/.015925 = .627
11.20 P(win at least once) = 1- P(never winning) = 1 - .985 = .096
a) The probability of choosing a man from the population of degree recipients is 732/1654.
b)P(Bachelor's degree | Male recipient) = 505/732
c) P(Male and Bachelor's Degree) = (732/1654)(505/732)= 505/1654.
a) P(drawing a bad switch) = 1/10. P(drawing a good switch)=9/10.
b) If one switch is drawn and it is bad, there are 9999 switches remaining with 999 of them bad. P(second switch drawn bad | first switch bad) = 999/9999.
c) If one switch is drawn and it is good, there are 9999 switches remaining with 1000 of them bad. P(second switch drawn bad | first switch good) = 1000/9999.
11.41 The probability that Maria's husband has type B or type O blood is .45+.11=.56
11.42 That a husband and wife share the same blood type is .452+.42+.112+.042= .3762
a) P(wife type A and husband type B)= .4*.11= .044.
b) The probability that one of the couple has type A blood and the other has type B is .088.
Blood Type
11.45 P(at least one of 10 people is a O-negative)=1-P(none are O-negative)= 1-(.928)10= .5263.
a) P(first is type A and second is type A)= (.5)(.5)=.25.
b) P(both have same blood type)=P(both type A or both type B or both type AB or both type O)= (.5)(.5)+(.25)(.25)+(.25)(.25)+ 0 = .375.
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