a) 27/56 = 48.2% of the women feel vulnerable while 46/63 = 73% of the men feel vulnerable.
b) A 95% confidence interval for the difference is given by (.73 - .482) ± 1.96 * .0871, or (.0773, .4187).
a) There were not enough "successes" at Wahtonka High School. (7 < 10), so the large-sample confidence interval should not be used.
b) 8 drug users and 137 athletes at Wahtonka and 28 users out of 143 athletes at Warrenton.
c) A 95% confidence interval for the difference is given by (.0614, .2134).
19.5 H0: prt= pnt, the proportion of athletes that abuse drugs under a random testing policy is the same as the proportion who abuse drugs under a no testing policy.
Ha: prt<pnt, the proportion of athletes that abuse drugs under a random testing policy is less than the proportion who abuse drugs under a no testing policy.
The test statistic is -3.53 and the p-value is .0002. The proportion of athletes who abuse drugs is significantly lower among those who are randomly tested than those who are not.
19.7 H0: pA= pE, the proportion of African miners who died was equal to the proportion of European miners who died.
Ha: pA>pE, the proportion of African miners who died was greater than the proportion of European miners who died.
The test statistic is .98 and the p-value is .16, so there is not a significant difference between the proportion of African and European miners who died.
a) A 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all adults who use the internet is (.6091, .6505).
b) A 95% confidence interval for the difference in the proportion of non-users and users who expect business to have Web sites that give product information is (.3693, .4506).
19.9 H0 p1-p2= 0: the proportion of rejected papers without statistical help (p1) is equal to the proportion of rejected papers with statistical help (p2). Ha p1-p2≠ 0: the proportion of rejected papers without statistical help (p1) is not equal to the proportion of rejected papers with statistical help (p2). z = 3.39, with p-value < .0005. There is strong evidence for a difference between rejection rates of papers with no statistical help versus those with statistical help.
19.10 A 95% confidence interval for the proportion of papers submitted that include help from a statistician is (0.527, 0.613).
19.11 A 95% confidence interval for the difference between the proportions of papers rejected without review when a statistician is and is not involved in the research is (.063, .218).
a) This is an observational study. There was no manipulation of the explanatory variable (city) by the researchers.
b) The proportion of New York female Hispanic drivers who wore their seatbelts was 0.829, while the proportion of Boston female Hispanic drivers who wore their seatbelts was 0.570.
H0: pB= pNY, Boston and New York have the same rate of seatbelt use
H a: pB<pNY, smaller proportion of Boston drivers wear seatbelts.
The test statistic is 5.024, the p-value is less than .0001. There is strong evidence that fewer Hispanic female drivers in Boston wear seatbelts.
19.21 H0: pm-pf=0, there is no difference in failure rates between stores headed by men and stores headed by women.
Ha: pm-pf=0, there is a difference in failure rates between stores headed by men and stores headed by women. z = -.388, p-value > .5, so there is not significant difference in the failure rates of stores headed by men and stores headed by women.
19.23 see solution in textbook
a) The proportion of businesses owned by women that failed is .167. The proportion of business owned by men that failed is .151. The p-value for the test is .713.
b) The proportions are the same, but the p-value is now .0336, so it is significant at the α=.05 level.
c) The 95% confidence interval (plus four method) for part (a) is (-.157, .109). The 95% confidence interval for part (b) is (-.049, -.0013). The increased sample size results in a smaller confidence interval.
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