1. Problems to work and bring to exam: These questions are provided so that you can do some of the time intensive aspects of the problems before coming to the exam. Questions on the test will not necessarily be the same as questions in the book, but they will be based on the same data and context. I suggest that at the very least you make whatever graphics are appropriate and perform the relevant calculations. You may bring the work you do on these questions to use during the exam. On the exam you may be asked to reproduce the graphics or calculations. You will also be expected to interpret the graphics and calculations (that is, describe and explain what they might mean). In addition there will be other questions that do not require significant calculations.
    Book Exercises: 1.18, 2.18, 4.16, 5.36, Review Exercise I.10 (page 159), Supplementary Exercise I.34, I.35, I.36 (Page 165-166)
  2. You should be able to describe distributions qualitatively and quantitatively.
  3. You should be able to perform calculations based upon the normal distribution (using the table if necessary) if you are given the mean and standard deviation.
  4. The chapter summaries and Part I review are good outlines of important concepts for review purposes
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