Course Number Math 281
Credits: 3
Term: Spring 2007
Room: Yaw 3
Course: Computer Software for Elementary Statistics
Instructor: Matt Goff
Time: W 1-1:50pm
Text: Recommended: Using R for Introductory Statistics


Math 280 (may be concurrent)


This is a companion course to Math 280 and will be used to provide more instruction on the use of statistical software for data analysis.


Students will be able to:
  1. Students will be able to use an appropriate statistical software package to perform the data analysis required for Math 280

Course Requirements:

  1. Completion of assigned homework
  2. Satisfactory performance on all exams

Teaching Strategies:

  1. Lectures, computer work, and class discussion will all be used.
  2. Homework will be assigned to encourage greater understanding of subjects along with their applications
  3. A Final Exam will be given to assess each student's understanding of the material.

Evaluation and Criteria for Grading:

The final grade will be composed of the following components:
Final Exam25%

Course Homepage:

Final Exam:

Final Exam is on , . You are expected to take the test at that time, please make travel arrangements accordingly.


Some material may be collected and used for purposes of assessment. The information collected will be kept confidential.
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